Seattle Genealogical Society

SGS Journal Publication

sample cover Journal of SGSThe Journal of the Seattle Genealogical Society (formerly the SGS Bulletin), has been published as a benefit for our members by the Seattle Genealogical Society since 1952. Currently issued online twice a year, it includes articles about genealogy research and methodology, family history, acquisition notes for the SGS Library and the Seattle Public Library, and transcriptions of genealogical records from the Seattle area and beyond. 
Bound and printed copies of the journal are available at the SGS Library. Past issues are also available to the public on-line through our partnership with Seattle Public Library. These issues can be searched by clicking here (opens in new tab in your browser) 
A subscription to the online edition of the Journal of the Seattle Genealogical Society is included with SGS membership. Libraries and other groups may receive a printed edition by joining the society under the organization membership plan.
Index of Articles
Sample of IndexAn index to the articles for all volumes of the SGS Bulletin and the Journal of the Seattle Genealogical Society from 1952 to the present. Past issues are linked and can be viewed online at Seattle Public Library.  More recent issues require member login to view. If you find an article of interest, non-members may make a research request to obtain a copy of the article or order a print-on-demand copy of the entire issue. See Research Services for more information.
(Opens in new tab, use your browser's find function to search the index)
More recent issues require member login to view.
Submit an article for publication
SGS will consider any article dealing with a topic of interest to our membership and which reflects the society’s mission. Please review our Writing Guidelines for more information. Publication queries and submissions may be sent to our Director of Publications: