Seattle Genealogical Society
SGS Member Login

Log in to your SGS membership account to access exclusive SGS publications, program videos and databases, submit free research requests, obtain member discounts, 
and to renew your membership.
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To change address:
Click here to change your email address or postal mailing address. 
If your membership has expired:
Log in and click the green "Renew Membership" button. If you are unable to log in or do not see the renewal button, click Join Online and follow the instructions to join as a new member. Or fill out a Membership Application and send it to SGS with your check or money order. We will reinstate your membership upon receiving payment of dues for the current year.
To reset your login name or password:
Click the Download PDF Help File to the right of the Login Name or Password field, or both. Login name and password reset instructions will be sent to the email address entered in your member profile. If you do not find the login name or password reset instructions in your email inbox, check your spam folder. 
Questions?  Send an email to: